For more than 30 years Demilec Inc. has earned a reputation as an international leader in the polyurethane foam and coatings industry. There is an opportunity to join our group of distributors in select regions of the world. These companies pride themselves in being experts in the education of their regions in the use of premium insulation products. Through innovation in chemistry and building science, we feel this fast-growing world market will be a profitable and fulfilling journey.





Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, Polyurethan- und Polyurea- Sprüh Isolierungen mit höchsten Qualitätsstandards für Sie herzustellen. Die Produkte der Spritzschutzsysteme  enthalten keine Verbindungen (FCKW, Formaldehyd, Asbest, flüchtige organische Verbindungen, etc.) die für die Umwelt schädlich sind. Unsere Isoliersysteme sind sehr beständig und verlieren ihre Eigenschaften über ihre gesamte Lebensdauer nicht.

Wärme-, Schall- und Abdichtung aller Art an privaten Wohnungsbauwerken, an landwirtschaftlich genutzten Ställen und Lagerhallen, im Hoch- und Tiefbau können unsere  Produkte eingesetzt werden.

Selena operates globally, manufacturing and providing professional contractors and DIY users with a wide array of construction chemicals. Our products include polyurethane foams, adhesives, sealants, building insulation systems and much more. Our most prominent brands are Tytan, Quilosa, Artelit and Matisol. Selena was founded in Poland in 1992. Since that time, we have built up experience in four continents, several dozen countries and many business areas. We are one of the three largest manufacturers of polyurethane foam in the world. Our global experience gained in diverse local markets positions us well to maintain an unrelenting search for new ways to develop and improve.


They trusted in Tedgar

Delivery charges € Euro


100 ml

7.00 €

200 ml

9.00 €

300 ml

14.90 €

5 L

45.00 €

25 L

60.50 €

Europe and EU

6.50-25.00 €

USA, Canada,Mexico

15.00-30.00 €

Australia, New Zealand

15.00-30.00 €